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Look Alike: confirming faces in batch mode

flickr-8130571951.png Look Alike: selecting pictures for batch confirmation of detected faces with suggested contactMiniaturasLook Alike: landscape viewLook Alike: selecting pictures for batch confirmation of detected faces with suggested contactMiniaturasLook Alike: landscape viewLook Alike: selecting pictures for batch confirmation of detected faces with suggested contactMiniaturasLook Alike: landscape viewLook Alike: selecting pictures for batch confirmation of detected faces with suggested contactMiniaturasLook Alike: landscape viewLook Alike: selecting pictures for batch confirmation of detected faces with suggested contactMiniaturasLook Alike: landscape viewLook Alike: selecting pictures for batch confirmation of detected faces with suggested contactMiniaturasLook Alike: landscape view

After selecting to confirm the detected faces that Look Alike suggest belongs to a contact from a set of pictures, we receive feedback from a progress bar.

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