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Risto Räppääjä ja nukkavieru Nelli

flickr-11583027976.jpg Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1Senaatintori's Christmas market view from the cathedralMiniaturasPaper balloons in the Sky #1

Now I can read also this in Finnish \o/